Bridgefield Villas is a covenanted neighborhood. Our Covenants and Bylaws are in essence a contractual agreement between you and the Bridgefield Villas Association designed to safeguard the appearance and integrity of our neighborhood and to preserve the value and desirability of your real estate investment. The Covenants and accompanying policies are also intended to promote safety and continued harmonious relationships of neighbors. 

   CLICK this link for Homeowner Repair Responsibilities

SECURITY - For your safety, please keep your porch lights on at night and ensure that your garage door is only open when you are coming or going. Keep your doors locked and don't open your door to anyone you don't know. 


If you see any suspicious activity in the community, please call 911. If a vehicle is involved, please try to get the make/model and license plate. This way our police officers can follow up.


PARKING - Vehicles are not allowed to be parked overnight in the turn-around areas, on the main road, or at the clubhouse parking lot. Cars are allowed to park at the back circle of our community, but parking there is prohibited overnight. If you have a guest and need to use the clubhous parking, please place a note on the dashboard which reads "GUEST AT CONDO # XXXX"  (Use your condo number). Violators will be given one warning, and may be towed if the car is not identified.


TRASH - City trash is picked up early every Tuesday morning. Please have your trash carts at the end of your driveway by 7:00 am on Tuesday morning. You must return your bin to your condo by the end of the day or latest Wednesday AM. Ask a neighbor to assist you if you will be out of town, and remember, don't throw trash into another condo's bin unless you have their permission to do so.

Keep your trash carts at least 3 ft from the mailboxes and condo number signs. The arms used on the trash truck can bust up the mailboxes and signs. 

If a holiday lands on a Monday, trash will be picked up a day later, on Wednesday.

LARGE TRASH PICK-UP - Is collected on the second Tuesday (of every full week) each month and limited to two items. ( Check the city's website for more information.)


MAILBOXES - The mailboxes are maintained by the HOA. Please fill out a maintenance request form on the "resources/forms" page of this website if your mailbox needs repair. 


PAINTING - Painting on the outside of the condos, as well as front doors, garage doors, and the patio fences is done by the HOA on a scheduled basis. If there is any painting or repair needed, please fill out a maintenance request form on the "resources/forms" page of this website. 


LANDSCAPING and SNOW REMOVAL - The HOA contracts for snow removal for the main road, driveways, and condo entrances, and for all landscaping and lawn maintenance. Snow removal calls for a 3" fall before they'll come out.

      **Please do not approach the workers directly.**

If your condo is missed or if you have any concerns, please contact Mike Benson at 317.370.7271 or fill out the landscaping form located under the 'resources/forms' tab on this website. We value your input.

ROAD, DRIVEWAYS, STREET LIGHTS - Repairs and paving of the main road and driveways is the responsibility of the HOA. Please fill out a maintenance request form found on the 'resources/forms' page of this website if you notice any street lights out or if there is a need for driveway or road repair.

HOA DUES - Payment of our monthly HOA fees is due the first week of each month. We do not have direct deposit with our bank. 

PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CASH IN THE MAILBOX WITHOUT ALERTING BOB ASH. Mailbox thefts have known to occur. If a circumstance arises and you need more time, please contact Bob Ash at