The pool is now closed.  
Thank you for being such great guests. See you next year.


Clubhouse Fee  

The clubhouse rental fee is $100 per day. A deposit of $100 will be required to hold your reservation and will be returned at the end of your retal provided the space is clean and undamaged. 

If you need to cancel, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. There may be others that have requested the clubhouse for your date. Canceling in advace ensures that your entire deposit will be returned to you. 

Be mindful of your children and make sure they do not linger in the parking lot or near the main road.



To adhere to a City ordinance and for the safety of our community, cars may not be parked on the the Bridgefield community streets.  As the host, you are responsible to ENSURE YOUR GUESTS DO NOT PARK ON THE BRIDGEFIELD ROAD. 

Overflow parking should be directed to the back circle. The Board feels strongly about this policy.  Therefore if your guests park on the road during your event, YOU WILL BE PROHIBITED FROM RENTING THE CLUBHOUS FOR SIX MONTHS. 

Spring is here and our lawn care company will soon begin their regular services to care for the lawn. They are not landscapers. If you have a landscaping request please fill our the WuFoo form on this website under 'resources/forms'. Your request is valued and it will be adressed. Thank you!

                   SAFETY AWARENESS

Be aware that the City of Indianapolis and the surrounding areas have issued alerts.  Below is information on these incidents:


The USPS has issued a warning that mail is being stolen out of mail boxes. Take care not to put cards, letters, checks, and money in your mailbox overnight. There have been reports of an increase in mailbox thefts and check fraud. If at all possible, drop your mail off at the post office or give it directly to the postal person as they deliver mail in our community.


Be aware that visitors with bad intentions target elderly residences and use a ruse of either posing as tree trimmers or a utility company.  The suspects attempt to enter the victim’s home and while one suspect distracts the victim another suspect steals items.  They may try to get the victims outside to discuss tree work while another suspect enters the home and steals items while the resident is outside.  The suspects are typically looking for easy things to take, like electronics, cash, and jewelry. Always verify the visitor is who they say they are by calling the company they represent.

CALL 911

The best advice is to call 911 to report a suspicious person or activity in the neighborhood. Always keep a locked door between you and a stranger. Remember, you are not under any obligation to open the door for a stranger just because they knock. If you wish to speak to them, do so through a closed door or simply tell them you can't help them or that you are not interested. If they refuse to leave call 911.

This information is not provided with the intent to bring you worry or alarm. We just want to provide you with as much information as we can to help you stay safe.



We have your safety and the well being at the heart of everything we do. As you are aware, there are many residents who take walks at various times of the day. There are no sidewalks and with increased speeding, personal injury to ANY resident becomes a huge liability concern; even more so, when people drive at speeds exceeding the speed limit of 10 MPH.  We know that if feels slow, but think of it as driving through a park and always be watchful for pedestrians.

Please speak with your guests and delivery people to ensure they drive safely when in our community. If you notice a speeder and can obtain the make/model and license plate of their car, please provide it to an HOA board member.

Thank you.


                  NOTES, NOTICES, & MORE