Pool Policy

The pool is a part of the common area and is only to be used by Bridgefield homeowners and residents, and their guests. All guests must be accompanied by the homeowner/resident. Any person who is not a homeowner/resident and all unaccompanied guests, will be asked to leave the pool area.

1. No reservation is needed for the use of the pool.

2. Pool Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

3. The pool, pool deck, and clubhouse are non-smoking areas.

4. Any illegal activities in and around the pool, clubhouse, or Bridgefield Villas common grounds are strictly prohibited. Those engaged in illegal activity are subject to being reported to local law enforcement. 

5. Food is allowed in the pool area as long as the waste is contained properly (i.e. placed in the trash receptacle or taken home for disposal.) Glass containers are not allowed in the pool area.

6. The homeowner/resident will assume liability for their own safety and for the safety of their guests, both at the pool area and at the clubhouse.

7. A homeowner/resident must accompany their guests at all times.  

8. A homeowner/resident is limited to four (4) guests at the pool, per condo unit at any one time.

9. Swimming is permitted only in garments sold as swimwear. No nudity is allowed. Infants and children must wear swimwear. Those who are not potty trained must wear swimming pool diapers.

10. If a homeowner/resident or their guests cause any damage, the homeowner is liable for the cost of those damages.

11. All children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by the adult homeowner or resident. Any child is left unaccompanied will be asked to leave the pool and clubhouse areas.

12. If the pool is crowded, limit the use of beach balls, inflatable mats/toys, or foam mats. No bicycles, skateboards, or motorized toys are allowed.

13. There is no lifeguard on duty and each homeowner/resident is responsible for their own safety and for the safety of their guests. 

14.  Children who cannot swim are not permitted in the pool unless held by an adult, even when wearing flotation devices. If this rule is violated, the homeowner/resident may be restricted from using the pool for the rest of the season.

15. The last person to leave the pool area at night is to see that all umbrellas are lowered and all doors, as well as the gate, are locked.

16. Restroom doors are to be closed at all times.

17. Entry into the pool area is only allowed through the bathrooms, and not through the main room of the clubhouse.

18 a. If a violation of any part of the pool policy is confirmed, the homeowner/resident shall be informed both verbally and in writing by the Board of Directors. 

18 b. A second violation will result in being restricted from using the clubhouse/swimming pool area for one year from the date of the Board's notice.

18 c. If there is a third violation, the homeowner/resident will be restricted from using the clubhouse and swimming pool area for another full year, from the date of fthe ormer notice.